What We Do
West Africa Water Project
West Africa has one of the lowest rates of access to safe drinking water in the world. Populations are growing, people are moving from farms to cities, and city planning is chaotic. The reasons cited for this state of affairs are varied and numerous, from inadequate funds and mismanagement to corruption, lack of spare parts, no local buy-in, and adverse weather conditions. However, while the blame-game continues, the children bear the brunt of this problem.
The shortage in supply of clean water in many rural villages in Africa has aided the spread of diseases transmitted through unclean water causing premature deaths among children who are particularly vulnerable. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, nearly a million people die each year as a result of unsafe drinking water, with about half of those being children, whose deaths are preventable.
With these alarming statistics in mind, our goal is to ensure that children in communities across Africa have access to clean and healthy water. Through this project, we hope to increase sustainable access to safe water and sanitation thereby improving public hygiene and preventing further premature deaths of children in West Africa.
B&E Foundation is dedicated to improving access to quality education for children in African communities so they may pursue a brighter future for themselves, their families and their communities. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to attend primary school as a starting point. We are convinced that education is the best way to break the cycle of poverty for children in rural areas of Africa. It is well understood that poor uneducated children grow up to be poor uneducated adults.
Education, more than any other sector of development, seeds dramatic improvement in poverty reduction, gender equality, health outcomes, child immunization, HIV/AIDS prevention, environmental protection and wildlife conservation. Simply put, widely available public education will lead to a prosperous, peaceful and sustainable future for Africa.
We build strong partnerships with the villagers and government in every community where we work and we are proud of the fact that we have been able to initiate significant and enriching changes in the lives of so many of South Africa’s poor communities over the years.
It is our firm conviction that every human being deserves access to quality health care irrespective of their age and location. The right to health and a nutritious and sufficient diet are internationally recognized fundamental human rights protected by international treaties and conventions on the right to life, as well as in charters, strategies and declarations.
Despite these commitments and ideals, however, the reality is that high mortality among young children, particularly in Africa, continues to be a cause for concern with acute respiratory infections, malaria, and diarrheal diseases along with malnutrition remain among the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality. In fact, Africa south of the Sahara remains the most difficult place in the world for a child to survive until age five.
However, in spite of the odds, we as a foundation are committed to improving maternal, newborn and child health. As the world transitions into an era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are committed to helping African communities accelerate the pace of progress in relation to “Maternal And Child Health” in order to achieve the SDG target on child survival.